Four spankos on a Thursday, 5.30.2024

 Yesterday I was lucky to be visited by three friends, two from far away, the other my "regular" spanking bud Jamey.

Here is the scenario: Daddy H is enrobed as judge, Fuzzy as bailiff. Jamey and I are hauled into juvenile court for spray painting an obscenity on the side of the court house, caught by the county's video cameras. The inspiration is a judge who in the 1960's actually had defendants spanked in court. If you aren't familiar with him, you can read about Judge Obermiller here:

A couple of pictures of Jamey's red butt:

And a couple of mine:

Now on the minor role play and the videos:

First we get lectured by the judge, then I am bent over the judge's desk for a hard paddling, starting on my thin jailhouse scrubs, ending with twenty hard, bare swats. Fuzzy then proceeded to give Jamey's butt the same treatment. Too bad he couldn't take the full measure...

. After a short break I am bent over the massage table for a further paddling from the judge.

Next Jamey is bent over the same table to be paddled.

Then I am on the spanking bench getting the Jokari from Daddy H.

Then I am allowed to spank Jamey's butt with the Jokari. It's a butt I'm well familiar with. I tease him about punishing him for getting me into trouble. You think?

And that's all the spanking. I needed a "dessert" of some capsaicin cream to keep the burn going...

And we all parted for now.

Here is my butt the morning after—


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